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Congratulations on Your Student’s Admission to USF for Summer 2023!

image of USF student sitting at a table outside
Posted over 2 years ago .

First-year students who join USF in the Summer take classes from June 26, 2023 through August 4, 2023 and get a great head start adjusting to college classes.

Benefits of Beginning in Summer:

  • Your student can sign up and complete an earlier Orientation.
  • At Orientation, your student will pick their two Summer classes as well as their Fall classes.
  • Earlier class registration allows your student to have more choices when selecting classes.
  • Summer classes are a graduation requirement so this gives your student a head start on completing that requirement.
  • Students who begin in Summer will automatically continue into the Fall semester as a regular Freshman, and no additional application is required.

Things to Note

  • Your student cannot update your term to Fall 2023.
  • Students applying for Financial Aid must complete both the 2022-2023 FAFSA and 2023-2024 FAFSA.
  • Students wishing to live on-campus must complete two housing applications – one for Summer 2023 and another for Fall/Spring 2023-2024.

Please note, students participating in certain Summer programs may have specific arrival instructions and/or timelines that may differ than the information above. We recommend checking with the program directly if your student has any questions.

Summer ACE –

Summer Support Services (SSS) –

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